
Monday, November 16, 2009

try hard or giv up?

anything can be happens in a lov relationship
might b is querrel, distrust, betray, cheating or other else
but 2day wolfgirl is not aim to discuss these elements

wolfgirl hope to say something about merge in personalities between each other
wolfgirl nvr hav fall in lov v any guys b4 accept someone now
so may b some of u will claim that wolfgirl is not qualified to talk on this issue
but wolfgirl is here not to teach wat should u do n wat should not u do in lov relationship
wolfgirl is juz only express wat wolfgirl r think about on it

n may b most of the time
when ppl r alone or facing something that r unhappy
wolfgirl will ask myself
is someone is match v my personality?
is him suitable for me to hold his hand n be together 4ever?
is him will be my only man in my whole life?
n bla bla bla...

these kind of question really always come out in my mind especially since someone r not here
but at the end
wolfgirl normally will overcome my confident for this lov relationship
not bcos wolfgirl compulsory know that we cant b separate for any potential
but is juz bcos that
wolfgirl know that the chance we can meet together r given by god
n we should appreciate wat god hav giv us

althought wolfgirl is not hav a loyal belief on any religious
so even wolfgirl dunno how is the end we will be
but wolfgirl realize that wolfgirl rather to try hard than giv up when facing any problem
but no matter wat u choose
u cant only say without action
summore u muz handle well
if not
u r failure in lov relationship paper

wolfgirl is only get 50 mark of 100 mark in this paper
bcos wolfgirl still is not an expert in pak tou lo
so wolfgirl will try my best to get full marks in this paper
n hope that can bring this paper to my future wedding ah

wolfgirl hope to say that
not everyone's lov relationship is same n should be same
if not
then wolfgirl think we are robot but not human le
so wolfgirl think that we can force other to act wat we act in lov relationship
u get wat i means?

n if can
dun judge too much on other's lov relationship
bcos not everyone muz treat their lover in same way as other ppl
as all ppl hav different kind of personalities
n may be this 'same' way is not suitable to apply in their lov relationship
may b break the rule is a best way to stay along v her or him

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