homework n assignment hav given 2day
n so?
tough life will begin start from this week
n wolfgirl juz met all classmate 2day
n found that penang branch got 8 representatives in our class
n guy bcom limited edition in our class again
only 3 of them
n our class hav 20-25 ppl
so imagine how rare species they r
but sadly
wolfgirl not yet start to know well about other classmate exclude classmate from penang branch
n sure
there's introduction session in begining of each tutorial class
but wolfgirl really r old
cant really rmb all their names n where's they stay
wolfgirl juz can know that
noone r stay at same place v wolfgirl
wolfgirl better get use to go class v take bus alone
since assignment was given
so definitely we hav to pair in to group of 4 or 5 ppl
n wolfgirl hav feels a bit unlucky v
hav to group v someone who wolfgilr will regreted in future
cos wolfgirl hav a unlucky assignment experience v her last time...
u know who i means right?
all right
write till here
n it's time to let ur eyes to rest
~the end~