wolfgirl hav stay at there for 3 days
wolfgirl think this trip is more fun than previous trip
although all is also go to finding bf only
all KL trip r similar
as wolfgirl juz stay at bf's place n only go out v him n sometime v his cousin or untie them
but most of the time
we r staying in home for nothing to do
playing game n play v miao miao
she is very cute
n wolfgirl fell that she got sensitive feeling where she can feel someone is look at her quietly
wolfgirl like her so much
n her owner( bf's cousin) said miao miao r so happy when wolfgirl go
bcos got ppl play v her as she is a house's pet only n nvr go out
wolfgirl so like to hug her
feel so good
n also bully her
n she always like to acting
she knows wat we wan to make on her
everytime when ppl wanna ask her go back to her cage
she will lay down n relax all the mscle of her body
n make us hard to hug her back into the cage also
n somemore her eye and her face is pity look always
make us laugh everytime when she act this
n if we pull her when she act this pose
she will no reject also
n u will c a dog being pulled aroung here n there
she is so pandai wat
make wolfgirl like to bully n c her reaction
...continue at next post :)
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