
Friday, July 29, 2011


这几天 一个的人的夜晚
无所事事  无伴可诉
于是 想念起有伴的时刻
才发现 原来
相思病 在我家

似乎 爱的代价是

你是否 也是如此?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


性感 不等于 风骚 
它是 一种魅力
每个部位 每个姿态 举手投足间
骨子里 所散发出的  美丽 诱惑

羡慕 这种人
不求完美 但求自信
衣着 不追求 奢华 
但秉持 简单 随性 
用自信 展现 自我

一片裸唇 些许淡妆
配上 自信的外衣
顿时 格外亮眼
而且 性感万分

何时 我能有如此 性感的刹那
何时 我能有如此 自信的时刻
何时 我能有如此 两者兼据的完美人生

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am wondering
the reason I am so emotional these few days
perhaps is the worry about my future life after my 21st birthday
I would like to go back to my secondary life
since life pass fast after graduation
do you agree?

旅行 / 他

突然 有股冲动

想 一个人 去旅行
抑或是 来个人间蒸发

走走拍拍 沿途的人事物
来一场 心灵沉淀
找寻 真正的自我

我不够勇敢 不够潇洒 不够干脆

我害怕 我的消失
他是否 无法忘怀
他是否 无法理解

他会否 会挂念 思念 想念


问世间 情为何物
我不懂 也不想懂


所以说 我中毒了

让我 太过于 

慌神 / 迷惑

喜欢 坐在巴士上  
欣赏 沿途的风景
烦恼 却涌上心头 

思考 究竟要如何

爱情 是否有未来
毕竟 我不够完美
脾气 不懂得收敛
唠叨 是家常便饭
抱怨 是常有的事
虚荣 花钱如流水
任性 不受人管教

到底 你为何爱我
到底 你有否后悔
或是 你曾想出轨  

情绪 异常地失落

常想 若爱情消失
你我 能否做朋友
尽管 得强颜欢笑
日子 还得照样过

哀愁 飘上我心头
想哭 尽情的痛哭
也许 当我遇上他
爱情 早已种下根
如今 已驻足心中

我说 未知的恐惧
让我 害怕去想象
害怕 向爱情承诺

希望 时间 不会是阻碍

Sunday, July 24, 2011

朋友 / 七月尾的遗憾



我 诚心的希望
能够放下过去 与他的回忆

如果爱情是如此的脆弱 不堪一击
我对爱情 无法再有所期望 
且 丝丝隐忧藏以我心中
尽管 我和他已有这般长的美好日子

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Layout of My Cupboard and Study Table

 Everyone was busy with their assignment this weekend
but I am the exception
spending my whole Saturday at IKEA and The Curve
keep walking around these two places several times
to persuade myself to shop anything I should have
I would said
 I am a shopaholic
willing to spend money on anything it make me look nicer, pretty and multifunction
in material form

spend a night to tidy up my cupboard and study table
here are the new layout although it's still messy
better then previous

bought a new skubb from IKEA
it's useful for me to keep so much clothes
but I hope it can last long and not fall down one day
since I like to buy clothes

It's looks like I never tidy up my study table and my places huh?
you are wrong...
I did
but the problem is I have a lot of thing at here
I guess I have moved all my things come here from hometown
I have only bought the 5 white magazines file for RM 5
it's so cheap huh?
the basket for putting plastic was only RM 9
is it as pretty decoration besides storing plastic beg?

I would said
besides the traffic jam in car park
I am really enjoy to shopping at IKEA
although I have not yet have an own house to decorate

~The End~

It's Just Me

 face with lack of sleep 
me without make up except eye brown
I am so frustrated with two thing in college through out this semester
 can everyone stop asking me anything regarding my eye brown?
I am tired to repeat the same answer

I know I am fat
and my stomach keep getting fat and fatter
I will try to exercise more if I can
thank you

~The End~

Photos Edited by Phones

 I have found some interesting camera in Mr. Penguin's phone that can editing photos
here are some effect
 an original shoot without any edit
I like the feel of the sunlight come in through the window

the artist was drawing the curtain

whose jean was hanging besides the curtain?

 is it lomo effect?

 I like this effect too

 like it too

 me in original taken photos

 seems like I am only look pretty in black and white effect huh?

 the artist was drawing me because he liking me

original me
not in good condition that day
one big eyes with double eyelid
I am wonder why don't both become double eyelid at the same time

me in messy hair
didn't blew my hair after taking shower
because forgot brought hair dryer

~the end~

My random SS photos

start with my funny smiling face

 his hiding face as usual

 a smile without showing my teeth

piggy mouth as usual

and the dress code of the day
be a red shoes sexy lady 
p/s: he forget take a whole body picture with my high heel
(lazy to crop the photos)

I like this pair of my red high heel
Vincci have sales recently
this high heel have 20% discount

last but not least
guess who is the in this picture?

~the end~

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

sore throat

sore throat
not because of sick or fever
because of swallowing tears
my first time I wish to give up immediately

can i give up?

心 想要花钱

想要 购物
我想 我需要心理医生

Sunday, July 10, 2011


奇迹 希望
美丽的传说 美丽的谎言
我希望 奇迹的到来


小丑 / 累

转个身 举起手

做小丑更累 且悲哀


无助 惆怅
宁静的夜里 谁人能教我
讨厌 认输
但这次 我救不到自己
因为 它 
不是 Theory 

Poor Talent

Tonight will be a long long night with Budget Summary
*I hate Calculating!*
as I have no talent in anything with figure
proof from my shopaholic dilemma

~The End~

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thank You Sincerely

Seems like I is at the level of self-actualization
add value to myself gradually
although paid no much
I am still satisfied

because I know I am still newbie in "EDM world"

thanks my intern company, MAD
thanks for outsourcing me
thanks for giving me opportunity to recover my potential
and lead me to learn extra knowledge
thanks for the compliment and encouragement to study design

it will be a sweet night tonight

~the end~

Friday, July 1, 2011

I love this moment althought I am in maze...

sitting near by the balcony with the door are open
 listen to the sound of wind blow,
the sound of people playing water in swimming pool,
the sound of guys playing basket ball, and
to the sound of kids playing at playground
these all are sign for the best time in a day, afternoon/evening

 the moment when I am finally sit in front of my laptop after cleaning house and do laundry
I would say
the achievement of cleaning house and done laundry
the smell of floor detergent and clothes detergent in wind
make me feel so fresh for this enjoyable moment

I think
despite the tiredness
I am really like to do laundry and cleaning house
just like a housewife/mother

I am born to be outstanding that I love to do whatever things that other people don't like to to in my age
so do my thought and perception on all things

I know
the other reason I love to cleaning house
I am releasing my pressure while doing this

this post
I am claiming pressure

looks like I am adding much pressure on myself recently
can I don't want in pressure?

WAKE UP your mind
it's time to face the pressure and take it
don't make everyone disappointed with you
said from my heart

  " I am just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why "
sang by Lenka in The Show

~the end~